
Hunter Education

HuntSAFE Class Information 

NOTICE: Anyone younger than 16 years old needs to complete an in-person Field Day (included in the in-person HuntSAFE class).
In-person HuntSAFE classes and Field Days are primarily scheduled during the spring and summer months across the state. In-person class options become limited during the fall and are not scheduled during the winter so don’t wait to register for a class! If you would like to request a class, please contact your local Conservation Officer or HuntSAFE Instructor.

For questions about the HuntSAFE program and information on becoming a HuntSAFE instructor, please contact Brandon Maahs via email or by phone at 605.280.3782

HuntSAFE or Bowhunter Education Replacement Cards
HuntSAFE Information
HuntSAFE Class Schedule
HuntSAFE Online Class Information
Bowhunter Education
HuntSAFE Bowhunter Education Instructor Login
Continued Hunting Safety Education