Over 1,500 miles of snowmobile trails exist in South Dakota, so whether you have the need to cross the open prairie out east or lose yourself in the 1 million acres of ponderosa pine in the Black Hills, South Dakota is the place for you.
Maps and Trail Conditions
Trails are open from December 15 to March 31.
Trail 5T will be closed for Ski for Light from January 19-23, 2025.
Updates via Twitter: Black Hills @SDSnowBHills | East River @SDSnowEast
In South Dakota, all snowmobiles must be properly licensed to operate on public or private lands, except those private lands owned by the snowmobile's operator. Resident snowmobile licenses must be permanently affixed to each side of a snowmobile, below the windshield and on the hood cowling.
According to state law, snowmobilers who operate in road rights-of-way and/or public snowmobile trails must show proof of financial responsibility (liability insurance).
License Fees
Available for purchase at county treasurer's office:
- Resident $10/year
- Nonresidents $40 (temporary 5-day permit) - Non-resident snowmobiles validly licensed in another state can be legally operated in South Dakota.
Both resident and non-residents may purchase a special five-day temporary permit for unlicensed snowmobiles. The permit is available online and at many trailside vendors.
Motorcycle Snowmobile Trail Pass
A motorcycle can be converted to meet the definition of a snowmobile. The permit is $20 and is valid December 1 - March 31. See Regulations for more information.
To purchase a Motorcycle Snowmobile Trail Pass call:
- The Black Hills Trails Office, 605.584.3896 or
- Farm Island Recreation Area, 605.773.2888.
South Dakota snowmobiling rules and regulations were established to protect those who enjoy the sport. Park rangers routinely patrol South Dakota's groomed trail system to provide law enforcement and safety.
No person may operate a snowmobile on a state snowmobile trail or area established pursuant to SDCL 41-19; unless the snowmobile has a curb weight of less than 1,400 pounds, is an engine-driven vehicle of a type which uses sled type runners or skis with an endless belt tread or similar means of contact with the surface upon which it is operated and the vehicle does not exceed forty-eight inches in width.
Accident Reporting
Snowmobile operators* must immediately report an accident to a law enforcement officer if the accident:
- Is on public lands, frozen public waters or any private lands leased for public snowmobile use
- Results in damage to a snowmobile or other property in excess of $1,000
- Results in death or injury requiring medical attention to any person
*If the operator of the snowmobile is physically incapable of filing a report, then someone acting for him/her must file.
No person shall operate a snowmobile upon private land without permission from the owner or lessee of the land. This provision does not apply to snowmobiles operating in public road rights-of-way.
Motorcycle Trail Pass
32-20A-25. Permit to operate motorcycle as a snowmobile. Any resident owner who has titled a motorcycle which has been modified to comply with the definition of a snowmobile for use as a snowmobile on a state snowmobile trail or area established pursuant to the provisions of chapter 41-19 may purchase an annual permit valid from Dec. 1 - Mar. 31, inclusive, for a fee of $20. The permit shall be affixed to the motorcycle on the right side of the unit and shall be clearly visible. The Department of Game, Fish and Parks shall collect the annual permit fee imposed by this section and shall deposit the fees in the snowmobile trails fund established by 32-5-9.2.
Reckless Driving
No person may operate a snowmobile in the following manner:
- At a speed that is greater than is reasonable or prudent
- In any reckless way as to endanger another person or property
- Without a functioning muffler
Age Requirements
There is no age limitation for the operation of a snowmobile. However, no person under the age of fourteen may drive a snowmobile across a roadway except under the immediate direction of a parent, legal guardian, or person who is eighteen years of age or older. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Interstate Highways and Railroads
Snowmobiles may not be operated upon or across an interstate highway, except that it may cross in the ditch of an underpass or on the extreme right of an overpass. Snowmobiles may not be operated upon any railroad right-of-way, unless directly crossing after stopping and yielding the right-of-way to approaching railroad traffic.
Operation in Ditches
Properly registered and licensed snowmobiles may operate in either right or left-hand ditches when traveling along designated state snowmobile trails. In other ditches, not designated as state snowmobile trails, snowmobiles may only be operated in the right hand ditch.
Firearms on Snowmobiles
No person other than a law enforcement officer or any person on the person's own land or land leased by the person may operate or ride in any snowmobile with any firearm in the person's possession unless the firearm is completely unloaded and within a carrying case which encloses the entire firearm. These provisions do not apply to any person who is carrying a pistol and possesses a valid permit to carry a concealed pistol.
Hunting From Snowmobiles
No person may chase, drive, harass, kill, or attempt to kill any game animal or game bird with or from a snowmobile, except that coyotes may be taken by a landowner or lessee on the landowner's property by shooting from stationary snowmobiles through the use of firearms if the operator of the snowmobile is at least 18 years of age. Not more than one person may be aboard the snowmobile while coyotes are being hunted or taken.
Financial Responsiblility
Snowmobilers must provide evidence of financial responsibility (liability insurance) if requested by a law enforcement officer, as a secondary action when the driver is detained for another offense.
The Snowmobile Advisory Council is a citizen advisory group for the state's Snowmobile Trails Program. The seven-person council was established in 1980, and ensures that snowmobilers' best interests are considered in the expenditure of dedicated snowmobile funds. Game, Fish and Parks staff meet with the Snowmobile Advisory Council four times each year to receive endorsements for budgets, trail routes and to inform them of trail issues. The governor appoints members of the council, typically for three-year terms.
Board Information
State Parks that have Snowmobiling
- Big Sioux Recreation Area
- Fisher Grove State Park
- George S. Mickelson Trail
- Lake Poinsett Recreation Area
- Pelican Lake Recreation Area
- Spearfish Canyon Nature Area