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Environmental Review

South Dakota’s wildlife depends upon the quality and quantity of native habitats including lands, waters, and other environmental components necessary for species survival and perpetuation.

South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks is often asked to help evaluate the impact of projects or land use changes to game or nongame species, rare species and native habitats. Our environmental review of projects helps fulfill our state-wide mission to manage wildlife and the habitats upon which they depend, for their ecological values and enjoyment by the citizens of South Dakota and visiting publics. We also want to prevent or minimize unnecessary damage to species and their habitats by offering possible mitigation measures or alternative project actions.

We may contribute our input in various ways, whether submitting official comment letters or providing feedback in a more informal setting. If a project is funded by a federal agency or tied to the federal government, an environmental review is typically mandated by that federal agency.

The South Dakota Environmental Review Tool is aan interactive resource for conservation planning and environmental review by South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP). This site provides access to information on biological diversity, protected lands and other natural resources for conservation planning purposes. It also allows users to submit projects for review of potential impacts to rare, state or federal listed species and their habitats in South Dakota.

To obtain an environmental review, submit a project using the environmental review tool, or contact John Kanta. We encourage early consultation and notice of proposed projects. Please plan accordingly and allow sufficient time for our internal review to be completed.