About the Commission
This section contains information regarding the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission.
The GFP Commission consists of eight members, appointed by the governor for four year terms. Changes in administrative rules must be approved by the Commission.
The commission retains quasi-judicial, quasi-legislative, advisory, non-administrative and special budgetary functions.
The commission consists of eight members appointed by the Governor. No more than four from the same political party. Not less than four shall be farmers actually residing on a farm, engaged in agriculture, deriving at least two-thirds of their gross annual incomes from crop or livestock production or both, and interested in wildlife conservation. Not less than three commissioners shall reside west of the Missouri River and not less than five shall reside east of the Missouri River.
No person shall serve on said commission for more than eight years, except that where his first appointment is for two years he may be reappointed thereafter for an additional two four-year terms.
The schedule for upcoming Commission meetings can be found here. The winter and summer meetings occur in Pierre, the May meeting occurs in Custer and the rest of the meetings occur in various places across the state. The schedule for a specific meeting is available in the Current Meeting Overview.
All information from the Commission meetings can be found within this section. The information regarding the current meeting can be found under the Current Meeting tab. Information from previous meetings to 2016 can be found under the Meeting Archive tab.
Items that are classified as "Topics" are updates that are being presented to the Commission. These items result in no rule changes.
Items that are classified as "Petitions" are presented infront of the Commission. The Commission will then decide whether to adopt or reject these petitions. If the petitions are rejected no further action is taken. If the petition is adopted it becomes a proposal.
Items that are classified as "Proposals" are potential changes to rules. Proposals are presented at the meeting they originate from. These proposals then become finalizations at the next meeting.
Once a proposal becomes a "Finalization" it is set to be voted on by the Commission. The Commission can then approve, modify or not approve these proposals.
If a finalization is "Approved" by the Commission it moves on to become a regulation.
If a finalization is "Modified and Approved" by the Commission it means that it will move forward to become a regulation, but something within the proposal was changed.
If a finalization is "Not Approved" it will not be carried forward and become a regulation.