State Parks

Photo © SD Tourism

George S. Mickelson Trail

Trail Policies and Etiquette

  • All trail users age 12 and older are required to have a trail pass (except on the trail within the city limits). Passes must be located on the person or the bicycle: trail users who are unable to show a trail pass will be subject to a fine.
  • Trail Traffic: The trail is open to hiking, biking, horseback riding, cross country skiing and snowshoeing. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the trail. Exception: section of the trail is open to snowmobiles between Deadwood and Dumont.
  • Electric wheelchairs, electric scooters, and Class 1 or equivalent pedal assist e-bikes are allowed on the trail.
  • Avoid disturbing wildlife.
  • Refrain from defacing natural features.
  • All pets must be leashed.
  • Camping is prohibited on the trail and trailheads.
  • No campfires allowed.
  • Smoking is not allowed on or adjacent to the trail.
  • Discharging firearms or fireworks from or across the trail is strictly prohibited.
  • Air guns and slingshots are not allowed on the trail.
  •  The trail is closed to all users from ½ hour after sunset to ½ hour before sunrise.
  • Obey all traffic signs.
  • Remain to the right except to pass. Be sure to give a clear warning before passing others and do not pass others in the tunnels.
  • Bicycles must yield to pedestrians and everyone must yield to horses.
  • Keep children near adults.
  • Travel with a buddy or in a group in case of an emergency.
  • Open range areas are where cattle roam freely. If you come to an area where cattle are on the trail, DO NOT spook them—speak in a calm voice and slowly work your way around them.
  • Respect landowners.
  • Stay on the trail and be considerate of other users.
  • For emergency assistance dial 911.


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