Wildlife Damage Management Virtual Meeting and Listening Session
South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks invites you to attend one of four virtual listening sessions with landowners and producers across the state. If you’ve experienced wildlife damage on your property or operation, we want to hear how we can modify our current programs and services to better meet the needs of landowners and producers. This is an opportunity to discuss what services are working and what areas need improvement. Each virtual listening session will cover topics related to the respective geographic areas.
2021 WDM Virtual Meetings
The 2021 virtual public forums will have topics specific to each geographic region.
Western South Dakota - February 24, 1pm-2pm (Mountain Time)
Zoom Meeting Recording:
Password: 35!WeC*L
Central South Dakota - February 25, 1pm-2pm (Central Time)
Zoom Meeting Recording:
Passcode: A8=1D%.4
Southeastern South Dakota - March 24, 2pm-3pm (Central Time)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Call-In Information: 1-669-900-9128
Meeting ID: 918 005 1055
Passcode: 180247
Northeastern South Dakota - March 25, 2pm-3pm (Central Time)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Call-In Information: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 985 8298 4071
Passcode: 859960
2020 WDM Virtual Meetings
- Western South Dakota: Predator Control, Elk Depredation, Deer Depredation, Prairie Dog Control
- Central South Dakota: Predator Control and Deer Depredation
- Southeast South Dakota: Predator Control, Deer Depredation, Canada Goose Depredation
- Northeast South Dakota: Predator Control, Deer Depredation, Canada Goose Depredation
Discussion topics include:
- Brief overview of current programs and services
- Assist GFP in determining the future of its Wildlife Damage Management program and services
- Assist GFP with the development of program goals and objectives
- Help GFP shape how the success of these programs/services is evaluated
- Additional questions and answers
Presented By: Kelly Hepler, Secretary of Game, Fish and Parks
Key Staff: Kevin Robling, Tom Kirschenmann, Keith Fisk
Additional Staff: John Kanta, Mark Ohm, Emmett Keyser, Mike Klosowski, Emily Kiel, Jona Ohm
Moderator: Arden Petersen
Attendees: Landowners, Livestock Producers, Stakeholders
The focus of these meetings is to hear directly from landowners and producers who experience wildlife damage on their properties or operations. People may participate in any of these virtual meetings, regardless of their location in South Dakota.
*** SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS IN ADVANCE TO Arden.Petersen@state.sd.us ***
While there is an opportunity to ask questions verbally during the virtual Zoom meetings, please share your questions in advance. This will allow us to keep things running smoothly and on time.
NOTE: You do not have to connect to the actual video conference part of this meeting. You also have the option of calling in using the phone number and ID codes listed above.