Operation Adventure- Ice Fishing
January 9, 2020 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CST
State Park: Pelican Lake Recreation Area
Location: Picnic Shelter
Every other Thursday from January 9th to April 16th we will host a different outdoor adventure and learning opportunity from 6-7:30 PM at Pelican Lake Recreation Area. We will begin each week with an educational lesson followed by hands on, activities and games. All ages are welcome but the programs will be geared for children ages 7-16. Events are free of charge, but a park entrance license is required. All equipment needed for each program will be provided. Events will be as follows: January 9th- Ice Fishing, January 23rd- Trapping, February 6th- Snowshoeing and Cross -Country Skiing, February 20th- Winter Survival, March 5th- Antler-Caching (Shed Hunting & Orienteering,) March 19th- Coyote Crazy, April 2nd- Pollinators, and April 16th- Archery. For more information, follow our Facebook page @SandyShorePelicanLake.Park License is Required.
Wheelchair Accessible
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